Recent content by Alaxan

  1. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    No worries. I do appologize again I'm not sure what happened on the delivery side, but it did make it back this way eventually.
  2. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    Video card was returned today undeliverable. Let me know if you still need/ want the card and it's yours. Will provide tracking information etc along with it.
  3. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    lol... if it shows up and you post up pictures here. I do also expect an apology :-)... though as I said when I get to the reciept I will get it posted. I have a lot of other things in the way at the moment and it will turn up eventually.
  4. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    What "image" does this portray? I said I will get to it when i get to it, but.. there's no rush. I immediately refunded him without a question asked, when he demanded a refund. I made good on the deal. Now, though he's saying he wants the card and will pay for it if proof of shipping can be...
  5. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff soon as it turns up while I'm organizing. I will get a scan or picture of it and post it. by "no rush" I mean I'm not going to tear up the house to find it, but as I'm unpacking... it will turn up and I will get a copy of it
  6. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    And then what? You are going to resend the money to me if I show you a copy of the reciept? No. It does me no good and it does you no good. If it shows up on either end, it's yours. have a nice night. I'm going to bed
  7. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    Saying it was shipped. Is not saying I would get u a copy of the reciept. Now if my final deal isn't good enough for you. I don't know what the hell else I can do for you, but I'm in no rush to sit here and prove anything else further.
  8. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    Cool, good for him I have no doubt he's a decent guy. I just am tryign to figure out WTF at this point. He wants the card, he doesn't want the card. He demanded a refund and got it, but now is demanding proof of shipping too. As soon as I get the reciept I will snap a shot of it w/ my phone and...
  9. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    If it turns up, keep it. No charge. If it turns up here, hell... send me just enough to pay for shipping via any method u want and I will send it out to you for just the cost of shipping. You didn't wait... you demanded a refund through paypal and you got your refund, but you are still here...
  10. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    I never told him it was shipped on 3 different occasions. I told him on two occasions. First was the day I had it in the car and was on my way to the post office. I got sidetracked and was moving and forgot to get it shipped out. it was sitting in a closet when he finally let me know he had not...
  11. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    WHAT THE **** FOR? What kind of satisfaction do you think I got out of spending my own money to make up a false transaction? just for the hell of it. Come on, I've got better **** to do than waste my time and yours. Get over it buy urself a video card and enjoy the new computer.
  12. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    I not once accused him of anything. and I'm the seller. As for the jackass saying "people throw money at problems to fix them" WHY the **** would I toss $50 at a problem when $7.95 was all it cost to ship the item? It's a waste of my time to do a transaction and refund the same transaction just...
  13. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    The deal was closed. He has a full refund at his own request and I asked no questions in doing so. If it is so direly important to provide a copy of the reciept still after that fact, I will dig it up and get it up when I have a chance. My apartment is still a disaster and there's not much...
  14. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    WHY THE **** DOES IT MATTER? It is FINISHED. Dude has his money back in hand. I have no video card. I do transactions weekly for well over $1k. $50 on a video card was nothign to be concerned about as for the "CYA" factor. If I realized it was going to be this much of a pain in my ass and that...
  15. Alaxan

    Attn: Alaxan, where the hell is my stuff

    Transactions OVER $ wasn't over $50...and I don't use UPS for anything. It was a recomendation for a free pickup and ship method available to any purchaser. And their "free" insurance is a joke. Hell even their paid insurance is a joke. They have damaged more gear in the last 2years for...