Recent content by MrJoJoBrown

  1. MrJoJoBrown

    Chronic Car audio stole my money and my sound! please help me?!?!

    JDawg, if you read my thread correctly, you would understand how I went in the store and bought what I bought. No offense, but, there are a lot of places named after dumb things that actually have good stuff. If you were from Phoenix, you would know that. Wingsfreek9, thanks for the...
  2. MrJoJoBrown

    Chronic Car audio stole my money and my sound! please help me?!?!

    Wow! I'm sorry, TheLow! I didn't know you're disability was worse than mine...I'll pray for you and the ignorant demon you have inside you.
  3. MrJoJoBrown

    Chronic Car audio stole my money and my sound! please help me?!?!

    I know this is waaaaay after this thread started, but I thought I'd share my experience with Chronic Car Audio on 7th St and Camelback.   I went in for one of their "Bass" packages. It came with an Amp (knock-off brand from California, pretty much junk - overheated quickly) and two very...