Recent content by rogermija

  1. R

    Mounting subs in existing metal dead space

    Thanks. Area for sub mounting is approximately 15" wide and 8" high. There is a 1" vertical stiffener brace half way across.
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  3. R

    Mounting subs in existing metal dead space

    I tried to send a snap of the area but the clipboard would not paste to this site. Do you have suggestion on sending pix?
  4. R

    Mounting subs in existing metal dead space

    I have not cut the access hole yet. But I will get a snap for reference. In the meantime, how does Acousta-stu compare to acoustic foam for this application? Thank you.
  5. R

    Mounting subs in existing metal dead space

    Thanks again. The metal is part of the chassis frame except for a portion of the sheet metal which has three stiffeners along the 30" portion. The front of the space is currently enclosed with sheet metal accessible from the rv cab area. I plan on removing an 8" x 15" section. Glassing may...
  6. R

    Mounting subs in existing metal dead space

    Thank you for the response. Glassing would be a challenge. Would self adhesive sound absorbing rubber or some thing similar work?
  7. R

    Mounting subs in existing metal dead space

    In my RV there is an unused cavity just below the kitchen floor but exposed after removing a sheet metal plate in the cab area. The cavity is approximately 8"h x 5"d x 30" w. There is room for one or two 6.5" woofers. Being structural metal, will the cavity work as a sound box? If needed...