
  1. psych0ticnemes1

    WTT: (2) AA Chaos 18"s Dual 2

    For a single 15" that wires to 4ohms. Somewhere around 750-1000rms each or more. I don't have enough space for the 18"s anymore. Thanks. -Psych0
  2. psych0ticnemes1

    (1) 12" MTX 9500, (1) 18" AA Chaos

    Item(s) for Sale: (1) 12" MTX 9500 Dual 4 ohm (1) 18" AA Chaos Dual 2 ohm Item(s) Description/Condition: MTX: Minor wear on the cone, played very little. 9.5/10 cosmetically Chaos: Minor wear on the surround, overal 9/10 Price: $200 + shipping on the MTX obo $225 + shipping on the Chaos...