ct sounds amp


    CT sounds 750.1 anyone know if it does rated rms? says 750 1ohm 12.8v

    $138 amp has pretty much everything need 600rms at 2 ohm (for sub I have now) 750 @ 1ohm (if I get another d2 sub later) but I know nothing about these at all.. I've been looking at the ppi 1000.1 sonic tested it at 938 @2ohm 1162@1 ohm so at least I know it does rated power...
  2. D

    1400w amp

    Item(s) for Sale: 1 1400.1d ct sounds mono amplifier Item(s) Description/Condition: Used for about 3 months. Works perfectly. No problems with it whatsoever. Does have black mark on it from a tire that rubbed against it. 1ohm @12.8v 1400w rms 1800max, 2ohm @ 12.8v 700rms 1400w max, 4 ohm...