alpine cda-9835 VS. eclipse cd8454

Alright, aside from the bickering, I tried to sort what's goin on (as far as the original topic) and here's what I came up with. I own the 8443 Eclipse model which is last years 8454..basically. The only difference I noticed between the two was the memory stick option and a few other sound options (although they didn't really help the overall SQ of the deck). I've yet to hear an alpine that sounds as good as the 8443 but that's only to MY ears and it's an opinionated comment but that's just what !I! think. The ONLY reason I would buy the new Alpine decks is because I have an ipod and the new Alpine's have an interface or whatever that is suited for the ipod. That being said, I will never actually buy an Alpine because IMO the eclipse is a better deck and with my ipod I will just get the belkin connector which allows ipod-in-car. Hope this is of some help and I also hope someone doesn't come flaming at me because I'm fairly new to car audio. Good luck.

Well I owned an Alpine at one time and am now an eclipse fan, but for reason of SQ not features, I own the 8443 as well, the sound is natural, clear as a bell and thats whats important, yeah its got alot of extra feature, and thats a bonus for me! As for the 8V output, I believe test have shown that it put out 8V at max volume, who plays there decks at max volume? Still a great deck.

EFFENDI, don't be such an a$$... I think Jackson 6 is just trying to make the best decision for his system. If his post pisses you off, ignore it and let other people reply.

Go find yourself a hobby and quit jumpin' up on folks.

Alright, aside from the bickering, I tried to sort what's goin on (as far as the original topic) and here's what I came up with. I own the 8443 Eclipse model which is last years 8454..basically. The only difference I noticed between the two was the memory stick option and a few other sound options (although they didn't really help the overall SQ of the deck). I've yet to hear an alpine that sounds as good as the 8443 but that's only to MY ears and it's an opinionated comment but that's just what !I! think. The ONLY reason I would buy the new Alpine decks is because I have an ipod and the new Alpine's have an interface or whatever that is suited for the ipod. That being said, I will never actually buy an Alpine because IMO the eclipse is a better deck and with my ipod I will just get the belkin connector which allows ipod-in-car. Hope this is of some help and I also hope someone doesn't come flaming at me because I'm fairly new to car audio. Good luck.
this is the kind of guy that gets my respect. he knows what he wants and what he likes. you will like that deck. i have it in one of my cars and i love it. it is one of the best eclipses i have used. it is really user friendly as well as you probably know from owning its previous model.

EFFENDI, don't be such an a$$... I think Jackson 6 is just trying to make the best decision for his system. If his post pisses you off, ignore it and let other people reply.
Go find yourself a hobby and quit jumpin' up on folks.
You have made one post? And you wasted it to say that? You are going nowhere fast if you are bringing it like that, your just another newbie to me and everyone else here. If you want to go making posts like that, well you're not helping anyones situation. Notice all the posts I made were in an attempt to help Jackson. My posts were helpful if the examples and directions I provided are followed. I am simply trying to make a point that he should do his own research. I gave him plenty of examples of where he can find more information.

However, without Jackson providing more detailed information as to his needs and making any reference to his existing equipment, he is essentially asking people to start a flame war. Which most likely will end up in him extending the time of his research and promoting uneeded dissention and humiliation upon forum members. I dont think that his post was the wisest to make. Without (everyone commenting) actually hearing both units for ourselves (those who he is asking to make the comparison for him - how lazy, and innacurate) an accurate judgement cannot be made. It all depends upon his personal preferences, which he made no mention of. Comparing specifications, which in essence is what he is asking us to do can be done quite simply by the use of a detailed amount of 'googling' and making your OWN comparisons.

Bottom line: There is no substitute for hard work. People want everything the easy way, and I dont belive that people are educated by providing answers, there is a process that should be learned here that I was trying to show. Well, if anyone here is as serious about their car audio as I am then they will understand this to be the truth.

Dj pudgynutz:

Of course he wants what is best for his system. So does everyone else. What are you, retarded? Based on what I have seen of your one post so far you have managed to make yourself appear to be so, and display a magnificent lack of reading comprehension and extremely poor communication skills.

So please dont waste your posts trying to insult me. Anyone can hide behind a keyboard. Bring something to this forum other than your uninformed opinions of me. There is a reason why this thread was inactive. Usually because the OP finds what they were looking for.

Alright, aside from the bickering, I tried to sort what's goin on (as far as the original topic) and here's what I came up with. I own the 8443 Eclipse model which is last years 8454..basically. The only difference I noticed between the two was the memory stick option and a few other sound options (although they didn't really help the overall SQ of the deck). I've yet to hear an alpine that sounds as good as the 8443 but that's only to MY ears and it's an opinionated comment but that's just what !I! think. The ONLY reason I would buy the new Alpine decks is because I have an ipod and the new Alpine's have an interface or whatever that is suited for the ipod. That being said, I will never actually buy an Alpine because IMO the eclipse is a better deck and with my ipod I will just get the belkin connector which allows ipod-in-car. Hope this is of some help and I also hope someone doesn't come flaming at me because I'm fairly new to car audio. Good luck.
This whole thread is based on simple spec comparison which he could have made himself. See for you that Eclipse h/u is a better option. How is it in Jackson6s situation? Well we dont know because he asked for spec comparison, nothing more. Jackson made no reference to his existing equipment or how he plans on integrating it. I assume by now he has made a decision by following my suggestions and doing the homework. I also have to ask you why you say that you would never buy Alpine? Based on a sight unseen, sound unheard opinion? Or actual blind listening test comparison?

The flames will never die my cant escape it.//

I have the eclipse 8454 and i couldnt be happier. It is a great unit and has tons of options. the alpine is a good deck too but i dont have any real expierience. I dont think you will go wrong eiother way. Eclipse has my vote

After reading an article by Eddie at on pre amp and output ( I think some of you guys are making such a big deal over 8-volt preamp output from the eclipse. Before you go and discredit Eddie, visit his website and read his articles. I think some of them are a little outdated, but the fundamental ideas are still there. I wouldn't base my decision in choosing a HU because it has an 8-volt pre amp outputs versus the 4-volt pre amp outputs from similar competing models of different manufacturers.

To Jackson,

If I were to put down $400 for an HU, I would want something that looks great and sounds great. Personally, I think the Alpine CDA-9835 beats the Eclipse in the look department. The Eclipse just looks too stock, even though I know it will sound just as good as the Alpine if not better. If you like the flip-out dual face, I suggest you take a look at Pioneer DEH-P9600MP

After reading an article by Eddie at on pre amp and output ( I think some of you guys are making such a big deal over 8-volt preamp output from the eclipse. Before you go and discredit Eddie, visit his website and read his articles. I think some of them are a little outdated, but the fundamental ideas are still there. I wouldn't base my decision in choosing a HU because it has an 8-volt pre amp outputs versus the 4-volt pre amp outputs from similar competing models of different manufacturers.
To Jackson,

If I were to put down $400 for an HU, I would want something that looks great and sounds great. Personally, I think the Alpine CDA-9835 beats the Eclipse in the look department. The Eclipse just looks too stock, even though I know it will sound just as good as the Alpine if not better. If you like the flip-out dual face, I suggest you take a look at Pioneer DEH-P9600MP
True, pre out voltage shouldn't be the biggest factor in getting a deck(it drives me nuts when I see people saying "i must have 4 volt pre outs" when they really have no idea why they think they need that)...anyway, I think Eclipse makes a better sounding deck than Alpine. Now, what causes that(pre outs, better overall design, etc), I dunno. Also, in the past few years, Alpine's pre outs have not exactly been "great." Many have complained of weak sub pre outs on their alpines(I have seen many complaints on many car audio forums). Some think that the 04 Alpines have been improved, pre out wise, which is good for the consumer.

I don't see how the 8454 looks stock, really. It isn't a flashy deck, imo, but it does have some animation on the screen when it turns on, etc.

Some buy for looks, some buy for a combination, and some buy for performance. I am one of those who buy for performance.

We all have different tastes and priorities when it comes to buying decks. //

personally i would pick the eclipse deck, atleast my 3414 does everything i need it to do. i dont know much about the 8 series but i did play with one at a shop and the alpine i believe is harder to work with. get eclipse ...thats my opinion....another opinion i have is effendi should be on the list.

This whole thread is based on simple spec comparison which he could have made himself. See for you that Eclipse h/u is a better option. How is it in Jackson6s situation? Well we dont know because he asked for spec comparison, nothing more. Jackson made no reference to his existing equipment or how he plans on integrating it. I assume by now he has made a decision by following my suggestions and doing the homework. I also have to ask you why you say that you would never buy Alpine? Based on a sight unseen, sound unheard opinion? Or actual blind listening test comparison?
The flames will never die my cant escape it.

If you re-read one of the very first posts you will see that the starter of this thread just wanted some eclipse fans and some alpine fans to debate the pros and cons of both decks. He did NOT want a simple spec the topic. That being said, your first couple sentences need to be thrown out the window. He made no reference to his other equipment because he apparantly either A. has all of the other equipment or B. is starting right where he should, with the H/U. As for me never buying an Alpine deck..I HAVE actually done side by side testing with the same equipment/same car and to MY ears, as I said in my previous post, the Eclipse wins in SQ. Although both decks are astheticlly (sp?) I would have to say the Alpine does look slightly better.

Conclusion: If your interested in performance try to listen to both decks in comprable settings, if not, choose based on which features you like and what looks best to you. Enough of this thread unless someone would like to debate why they think Alpine is a better deck. If not, let's let it rest there's enough information here for him to make a wise decision.

If you re-read one of the very first posts you will see that the starter of this thread just wanted some eclipse fans and some alpine fans to debate the pros and cons of both decks. He did NOT want a simple spec the topic. That being said, your first couple sentences need to be thrown out the window. He made no reference to his other equipment because he apparantly either A. has all of the other equipment or B. is starting right where he should, with the H/U. As for me never buying an Alpine deck..I HAVE actually done side by side testing with the same equipment/same car and to MY ears, as I said in my previous post, the Eclipse wins in SQ. Although both decks are astheticlly (sp?) I would have to say the Alpine does look slightly better.
Conclusion: If your interested in performance try to listen to both decks in comprable settings, if not, choose based on which features you like and what looks best to you. Enough of this thread unless someone would like to debate why they think Alpine is a better deck. If not, let's let it rest there's enough information here for him to make a wise decision.
Look at Jackson6s posts"
If someone is knowledgeable with these decks and is willing to give me an objective comparison
Like I said before I am not interested in what you or any one else thinks about the deck but if they can list some advantages one has over the other EX: i-personalize vs. e-iserve
When it all boils down to it, he is asking for a simple spec comparison. I think you need to go practice your reading comprehension before I do. It doesnt matter what he initially asked for. The answer he was looking for is in spec comparison. Explain to me how you compare various headunits without looking at specifications at all? Look at all the threads which made reference to the pre-out voltage. That is clearly spec comparison. Now explain to me how this thread is not about spec comparison?
Also, with no support of fact, or or documented testing, most of the statements others have made here can also be thrown out the window as well. Most of the people posting do not have any first hand experience with either model, and in fact make that fact very clear in their posts, and therefore are making biased statements that make a judgement very difficult. That isnt the proper way to come to a conclusion. Green_slip, if you have compared both of these units, then please, provide some documentation other than what you "think" sounds better. What you 'think' sounds 'good' or has 'better SQ' might not sound 'good' to someone else, those are all subjective statements. These statements dont help anyone without them hearing for themselves and making their own judgement. In Jackson6's case, it is not simple for him to do this. SO, I provided him with numerous avenues by which he can come to his own conclusion. Which Jackson6, can easily do this himself. I made an effort to try and teach him, seeing as he was a new member to this forum. Now I admit, my statements are misplaced. Yes, they are off topic, but not unrelated. I am simply trying to point the man in the right direction to get a simple answer for himself.

Notice that Jackson6 hasnt posted to this thread in some time...he, most likely, is off doing his own comparison, so that he can come to a valid conclusion, based on his own judgements, and not based on the loose opinons and statements of other people.

I keep saying it but it just doesnt sink in, "there is no substitute for hard work" If you want answers you dont just go and ask for them, its like cheating on a math test, that is the easy way. You may get what you wanted but you didnt learn anything and you wont retain any knowledge, or learn any process. Didnt any of you go to school? I swear.....if anyone belongs on the idiot list it those people who dont understand the root of what I am trying to get across. Im sure the majority of the members of this fourm that share the same level of knowledge and passion for car audio as I do would agree.

p.s. is is properly spelled "aesthetically"

personally i would pick the eclipse deck, atleast my 3414 does everything i need it to do. i dont know much about the 8 series but i did play with one at a shop and the alpine i believe is harder to work with. get eclipse ...thats my opinion....another opinion i have is effendi should be on the list.
saywhat? if you are going to criticize my statements then break them down by statement and prove me wrong on each point that i make. Otherwise, your opinion is reasonless, irrational, and void. You as a person are as well. If you are joking - then wow you succeeded in the delivery. You sure managed to get a laugh out of me, but not for your pointless reccomendations.

After reading an article by Eddie at on pre amp and output ( I think some of you guys are making such a big deal over 8-volt preamp output from the eclipse. Before you go and discredit Eddie, visit his website and read his articles. I think some of them are a little outdated, but the fundamental ideas are still there. I wouldn't base my decision in choosing a HU because it has an 8-volt pre amp outputs versus the 4-volt pre amp outputs from similar competing models of different manufacturers.
Eddie is a great guy, I used to talk to him way back in the r.a.c days. He is still active but he has gone a bit looney since the early 90s. He has some great articles which really make you think about things. I like the fact that the statements and reccomendations he makes are based on documented testing.

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