Setup Idea

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JetskiReese Newbie
I currently have 2 mismatched 12” subs, SDR12 and MTX terminator 500w rms sub, i have 2 mtx subs and i want to buy a second SDR and put the sdrs in my ported box firing into the truck, and put the mtx subs in a smaller ported box facing my rear seats, wired to 1ohm on my RP.2000 amp, would this sound good? Should i get 2 big 12s? I have 4awg wiring, can i run that to a battery in the trunk and hook my amp up to that to avoid 0awg? Bc if its 2 feet of 4awg it can handle it, but it cant handle like 20 feet. My car is a 2004 Toyota Corolla LE, if requested i can post pictures of the setup and explain in more detail what im seeking. All help is appreciated thanks!
No. Running mismatched subwoofers in separate boxes is begging for problems.
I know its not the best thing to do, but ive been running mismatched 12’s for a while and it sound good, im sure it would be louder and better sounding if i got a 2nd SDR. My plan is to have 2 sdr12s in a trunk firing ported box that im currently using, and put my 2 mtx subs in a seperate sealed box firing into my rear seats for a better frequency response range, the ported box can sing on low notes and the sealed box should be good for the higher notes. My main question right now is could i put a second battery in my trunk/spare tire area and keep my current 4awg wiring to the battery, and hook my amp up to that battery, my goal is to avoid running 0awg wiring. If the run from the 2nd battery to the amp is like 2 feet, cant it handle a lot more power? I have a pretty good feeling it wont do any good other than keeping 12v longer while the engine is off.
Short answer, this ain’t gonna sound good. I have no idea how one could even fit 4 12’s ported (to specs) in the trunk of that car lol. The best thing to do is use quality gear and do it right the first time! Pump the brakes here, you got something in the car now getting you by? No need to rush and make decisions which will end up costing you more in the long run. Figure out exactly how loud you want the setup to be and how much you want to spend total. Figure out what kinda bass you like and type of sound. Once you have all that info it would be no issue to give you some ideas on what to do.
Short answer, this ain’t gonna sound good. I have no idea how one could even fit 4 12’s ported (to specs) in the trunk of that car lol. The best thing to do is use quality gear and do it right the first time! Pump the brakes here, you got something in the car now getting you by? No need to rush and make decisions which will end up costing you more in the long run. Figure out exactly how loud you want the setup to be and how much you want to spend total. Figure out what kinda bass you like and type of sound. Once you have all that info it would be no issue to give you some ideas on what to do.
I know the setup isnt ideal, but with my current ported box Placed as close to the trunk as i can, im capable of fitting a slightly smaller box behind it. One of the big reasons im choosing this route is i have 2 4ohm svc 500w mtx subs, and a sdr-12 D2. I am only able to use 2 subs at a time at 2ohm, only making 1400, sdr stays cool, mtx gets hot as hell and stinky. If i get another sdr in there, i can run 2000rms at 1ohm, giving the mtx subs a safe amount of power. I dont make much money, but i want my subs to be loud as hell. I feel 4 12’s on 2000w in my sedan would be a good option as i already have 3/4 of the subs, and i already have the materials to make the sealed box. Im worried about my 4awg ofc power wire, i dont think 2000w across 17ft works with that wire, and i could barely hide the 4awg, the 0awg would be either ran visibly in my cabin or under my car. If i do this setup and it doesnt sound how i want it to, ill end up just selling the subs and enclosures to ppl around here and buying more powerful 12’s or even a big ass 15 as i have a 15 box.
Bottom line is that the box is what makes the sub. I just finished a box today for 2 12 inch SDR subs that the guy will upgrade to Skar EVL subs later on. It will get nice and loud and play low with just the 2 subs. Mixing subs will cause bass to cancel. It might be a little louder to mismatch subs this way, but that power could make your system so much louder. You’re leaving a lot of bass on the table.
I know the setup isnt ideal, but with my current ported box Placed as close to the trunk as i can, im capable of fitting a slightly smaller box behind it. One of the big reasons im choosing this route is i have 2 4ohm svc 500w mtx subs, and a sdr-12 D2. I am only able to use 2 subs at a time at 2ohm, only making 1400, sdr stays cool, mtx gets hot as hell and stinky. If i get another sdr in there, i can run 2000rms at 1ohm, giving the mtx subs a safe amount of power. I dont make much money, but i want my subs to be loud as hell. I feel 4 12’s on 2000w in my sedan would be a good option as i already have 3/4 of the subs, and i already have the materials to make the sealed box. Im worried about my 4awg ofc power wire, i dont think 2000w across 17ft works with that wire, and i could barely hide the 4awg, the 0awg would be either ran visibly in my cabin or under my car. If i do this setup and it doesnt sound how i want it to, ill end up just selling the subs and enclosures to ppl around here and buying more powerful 12’s or even a big ass 15 as i have a 15 box.

the issue is when we tell ourselves oh I’ll do it and just sell it if I don’t like it. Sounds good now till you actually try and sell it lol. Enclosures unless professionally built no one even wants them, even the ones professionally built sell for far less second hand. Whatever the stuff cost new online at the cheapest new price you can find, you can only hope to get half that if you are lucky. Sell it all now, get 2 subs that will take the power and upgrade the power cable. If it takes time to save up for it, the reward when it’s done is even greater than getting it faster! Of course tho you can always do what you want as what sounds like crap to me may sound wonderful to you or the other way around. One thing I’ve learned in car audio is we all at some point have to pay tuition in order to learn. This may just be the tuition you must pay, good news is it doesn’t seem it will be nearly as expensive as some of us had to pay lol.
the issue is when we tell ourselves oh I’ll do it and just sell it if I don’t like it. Sounds good now till you actually try and sell it lol. Enclosures unless professionally built no one even wants them, even the ones professionally built sell for far less second hand. Whatever the stuff cost new online at the cheapest new price you can find, you can only hope to get half that if you are lucky. Sell it all now, get 2 subs that will take the power and upgrade the power cable. If it takes time to save up for it, the reward when it’s done is even greater than getting it faster! Of course tho you can always do what you want as what sounds like crap to me may sound wonderful to you or the other way around. One thing I’ve learned in car audio is we all at some point have to pay tuition in order to learn. This may just be the tuition you must pay, good news is it doesn’t seem it will be nearly as expensive as some of us had to pay lol.
You just might be right, ive been pushing the 4 12's for a while now, just difficult to decide what to use. Im in a local car club and some of the members have asked if i could make them a box after hearing my wimpy looking subs, so i might be able to sell my ported box with the mtx woofers and the amp that came with them. Would $400 be too much to ask for a 500wRMS amp, a SDR-12D2, 2 500w rms mtx subs, and a ported box? I even have a small sealed 12" box i can throw in. If i could get that much, i could save for a few weeks instead of months to get a prefab box and 2 big 12's. What subs would you recommend as i have a RP.2000 amp, which dynos a bit over 2000w. I know subs usually get louder when you pass the rms rating, but I dont know which subs would be the best fit.
the issue is when we tell ourselves oh I’ll do it and just sell it if I don’t like it. Sounds good now till you actually try and sell it lol. Enclosures unless professionally built no one even wants them, even the ones professionally built sell for far less second hand. Whatever the stuff cost new online at the cheapest new price you can find, you can only hope to get half that if you are lucky. Sell it all now, get 2 subs that will take the power and upgrade the power cable. If it takes time to save up for it, the reward when it’s done is even greater than getting it faster! Of course tho you can always do what you want as what sounds like crap to me may sound wonderful to you or the other way around. One thing I’ve learned in car audio is we all at some point have to pay tuition in order to learn. This may just be the tuition you must pay, good news is it doesn’t seem it will be nearly as expensive as some of us had to pay lol.
Just found this on marketplace: 12 inch x12 v2D2 sundown audio in a box for $500 2-8inch sundown audio subs in a box for $500 and a taramps smart 3k for $200 and I also have a xs 1200 battery for $150 . I like the idea of having a big ass sundown 12, If I can get decent money for my equipment, this might be the one.
I think the only way to know if you’ll be happy with it is to try it. I ran some pretty crummy setups over the years, but always refrained from mix matched subs. If you had everything already, then it doesn't hurt to test it, but if you have to buy stuff I wouldn't waste the money.

Only time I recall testing mixed match subs, was back in like 2000-2002. I had a pair of Jensen XS 10’s, my cousin had a pair of MTX 10’s (Thunder 3000 I think), we had just built bandpass boxes for them and decided to stick both boxes in the trunk since they fit, just to see what happened. It was louder with both boxes running, that said, was testing bass / perceived SPL, so no idea of overall response. Did it sound good? Probably not, but was louder on the music we listened to. This test did not cost any money.

I still never wanted to use any setups like this and never have other than that test.

While it might work fine, there can be phase / cancellation issues, and likely won't perform as well as properly matched subs in the proper enclosure would. I’d rather get some decent 12’s in the best box you can get / make, on some decent power and be done with it. A pair of 12's on good power can be pretty loud, and or sound really good depending on what you're trying to achieve. If you can fit 4 12's in a proper box, that's great as well and should be able to get a lot of output, but I'd only do matching subs.
Just found this on marketplace: 12 inch x12 v2D2 sundown audio in a box for $500 2-8inch sundown audio subs in a box for $500 and a taramps smart 3k for $200 and I also have a xs 1200 battery for $150 . I like the idea of having a big ass sundown 12, If I can get decent money for my equipment, this might be the one.

as far as what to sell what you got for, you can always list it or offer it at a price you think it’s worth and see if it sells or you get offers for it. Prices on used equipment, especially low end can be very unpredictable. Skip the 8’s, you don’t need to be mixing and matching sizes. The only thing you want in the trunk is a sub or subs that match in size, brand, model etc. If you are worried about covering notes that are better suited for smaller drivers that’s when you add stuff to the doors for midbass duty. If you have an rp2000 and nothing is wrong with it, might as well use it! What to go with all depends on what you are willing to spend on the subs, and how much space you have available. It would be wise to measure to see the maximum outside dimensions of a box you can fit and then post a budget. Then it will be easier to narrow down the choices.
I think the only way to know if you’ll be happy with it is to try it. I ran some pretty crummy setups over the years, but always refrained from mix matched subs. If you had everything already, then it doesn't hurt to test it, but if you have to buy stuff I wouldn't waste the money.

Only time I recall testing mixed match subs, was back in like 2000-2002. I had a pair of Jensen XS 10’s, my cousin had a pair of MTX 10’s (Thunder 3000 I think), we had just built bandpass boxes for them and decided to stick both boxes in the trunk since they fit, just to see what happened. It was louder with both boxes running, that said, was testing bass / perceived SPL, so no idea of overall response. Did it sound good? Probably not, but was louder on the music we listened to. This test did not cost any money.

I still never wanted to use any setups like this and never have other than that test.

While it might work fine, there can be phase / cancellation issues, and likely won't perform as well as properly matched subs in the proper enclosure would. I’d rather get some decent 12’s in the best box you can get / make, on some decent power and be done with it. A pair of 12's on good power can be pretty loud, and or sound really good depending on what you're trying to achieve. If you can fit 4 12's in a proper box, that's great as well and should be able to get a lot of output, but I'd only do matching subs.
I put the 2nd MTX in and found out above around 60hz it was cancelling out and just shaking the car, also found they dont get any louder around 2/3 on the bass knob, the SDR12D2 is on preorder so when i get a second one It should be much louder and sound nicer. Im thinking about upgrading to SVR12's at 1ohm and making the port longer. Would I be able to run a 2nd run of 4awg under my car to my d-block instead of 0awg? I already have tons of 4awg so id rather use that than buy 0awg if it will work to power my rp2000. Im doing the big 3 this weekend.
the issue is when we tell ourselves oh I’ll do it and just sell it if I don’t like it. Sounds good now till you actually try and sell it lol. Enclosures unless professionally built no one even wants them, even the ones professionally built sell for far less second hand. Whatever the stuff cost new online at the cheapest new price you can find, you can only hope to get half that if you are lucky. Sell it all now, get 2 subs that will take the power and upgrade the power cable. If it takes time to save up for it, the reward when it’s done is even greater than getting it faster! Of course tho you can always do what you want as what sounds like crap to me may sound wonderful to you or the other way around. One thing I’ve learned in car audio is we all at some point have to pay tuition in order to learn. This may just be the tuition you must pay, good news is it doesn’t seem it will be nearly as expensive as some of us had to pay lol.
Listen to this man he's telling the truth. I have so many enclosures in my garage that I bought from switching setups that no one wants to buy because they cost over 300$ also let's not forget about cancelation it's a real thing. I do however like testing different theories no matter how crazy they sound!
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