team nutz - pittsburgh

Your wish is granted, have these posts deleted and you will never hear from me again, until then I will keep responding to defend our ground. As you have posted enough questions online and have demonstrated that every problem that you have is what we warned you about.

Thank you for your business. and our offer stands show us the system working by another shop and we will refund.

Your wish is granted, have these posts deleted and you will never hear from me again, until then I will keep responding to defend our ground. As you have posted enough questions online and have demonstrated that every problem that you have is what we warned you about.
Thank you for your business. and our offer stands show us the system working by another shop and we will refund.
even if, and this is for reference only, even IF the issues that i had started before i even brought my car to you you should have been glad to issue me a refund when you realized that the sub was wired wrong. simple as that. but you went off denying there was a difference, blah blah blah, this and that.

honestly, due to that factor and that factor alone, i will not take you up on your offer. i'm not a stubborn person nor a person who can't compromise like i said from the beginning. how about my offer.. man up, admit you wired the **** wrong in the first place (which cost me time off work and gas money to come get it re-wired CORRECTLY), refund me the install labor for the 1/2 hour you have listed @ $60 (59.99 x .5 on the invoice) through paypal and your wish for these threads to be deleted will be granted. if you are willing to take me up on that, i will gladly drop this entire issue. but that whole thing about me putting back on my stock alt, driving down to your shop to "prove you wrong"..not happening. dont have the time, equipment or patience like i said. i got more hours at work, a relationship and a million other things on my plate right now and proving you wrong isn't at the top.

so, if you are interested in ending this, PM me, i will send you my paypal email and we can get this settled. otherwise, it will continue until one of us is banned and/or the thread is closed.

I guess that is that. We won't refund because we don't feel we did anything wrong, after reviewing the vehicle twice.

And you can't prove that we did something wrong, because you don't have time.......

Sums up the story ladies and gentlemen, unfortunately we are both stubborn and have to both get the last word in, so I am sure we are going to get a response here. From a person with to busy of a life to worry about this forum.

Unfortunately it is my job as a Team Nutz employee to know everything that is happening about my shop, so I guess I have to keep doing my job. //

I guess that is that. We won't refund because we don't feel we did anything wrong, after reviewing the vehicle twice.
And you can't prove that we did something wrong, because you don't have time.......

Sums up the story ladies and gentlemen, unfortunately we are both stubborn and have to both get the last word in, so I am sure we are going to get a response here. From a person with to busy of a life to worry about this forum.

Unfortunately it is my job as a Team Nutz employee to know everything that is happening about my shop, so I guess I have to keep doing my job. //
What kind of businessman are you to say "YOU CANT PROVE WE DID ANYTHING WRONG".

this is not about proving someone wrong dude. deep down, regardless if you let your employees know or people on these forums know, deep down you know that it was wired wrong. you said to me on the phone "there is no output". then all of a sudden when you re-do the wiring in a different manner, magically.. BASS! night and day difference my friend. you know that. i'm not asking for much, i'm asking for a PM, a 60 dollar refund, and thats that. but, 60 dollars is too much for you to satisfy a customer. you are more gung-ho to "prove someone wrong" (even though you cant) than to satisfy a customer. but, instead of "ok man listen. i apologize for all the ****, lets settle this, heres your refund, are we cool?" i got the "YOU CANT PROVE WE DID ANYTHING WRONG" defense.

i guess i just have different morals and standards than you.

So lets get this straight:

We do what you asked us to do.

We notice what you asked us to do was not going to work.

We asked you to not play the system until it is fixed.

You ask us to look over it again

We do as you ask,

We find a subwoofer that is playing fine, but an amp that is not,

We tell you to fix the car first so you don't damage it.

You play the system anyways

Damage was done to maybe your sub and amp because you turned the radio on

You did what we said not to.

You friend online said it would be ok

You listened to them.

And we have to refund you.

Maybe your morals should say, well if I listened to Team Nutz the first time, all of this would not have happened.

Maybe your friends on ROE should refund you, are they not the ones that know what they are talking about, they helped you adjust your own system.

But no, its easier to blame Team Nutz for my own stupidity.

And for some reason after you took the car to several other stereo shops, they have not been able to fix the car. If its just a simple wiring issue, they could of fixed it and you would have been on your way: PROVIDED, you don't play the system while it is so called wired wrong, or how about DESIGNED wrong.

For the record the design that you came up with yourself, not from us.

Did you call Ohio Generator yet? or can't face the fact that a professional is going to tell you the same thing that I stated, As long as you do everything I don't tell you maybe your system will never work, I guess that is what you want.

So lets get this straight: We do what you asked us to do. (Except you didnt wire the sub right)*

We notice what you asked us to do was not going to work. (You made no mention of this, you told me to buy a 3,000 watt amp.)*

We asked you to not play the system until it is fixed. (You played it anyway and even told me you smelled something burning. I didnt play it.)*

You ask us to look over it again (Because i had no bass..)*

We do as you ask,

We find a subwoofer that is playing fine, but an amp that is not, (Uh, you wired it wrong, then you wired it to where it worked and had an output almost triple what it originally had)*

We tell you to fix the car first so you don't damage it. (you could have damaged it in the first place by wiring the sub wrong)*

You play the system anyways (where do you get this idea? i played to test it just as YOU did.)*

Damage was done to maybe your sub and amp because you turned the radio on

You did what we said not to.

You friend online said it would be ok

You listened to them.

And we have to refund you.

Maybe your morals should say, well if I listened to Team Nutz the first time, all of this would not have happened. (If i listened to you, i would be off worse than i currently am. Ask anyone who saw pictures of my original setup)*

Maybe your friends on ROE should refund you, are they not the ones that know what they are talking about, they helped you adjust your own system. (I trust guys who have 5, 10, 15, 25+ years experience pushing 10-20,000 watts on their own systems)*

But no, its easier to blame Team Nutz for my own stupidity. (So, you wiring the sub wrong is my fault somehow? good one.)*

And for some reason after you took the car to several other stereo shops, they have not been able to fix the car. If its just a simple wiring issue, they could of fixed it and you would have been on your way: PROVIDED, you don't play the system while it is so called wired wrong, or how about DESIGNED wrong. (i already have an appointment. amp will be taken care of too.)*

For the record the design that you came up with yourself, not from us. (what, the angle of the box? come on dude.)*

Did you call Ohio Generator yet? or can't face the fact that a professional is going to tell you the same thing that I stated, As long as you do everything I don't tell you maybe your system will never work, I guess that is what you want.
read the quote, my responses are in paranthesis with *'s

you keep skirting the main issue here.

this is not about my alternator, or my amp, or anything else for that matter.

bottom line: the sub had maybe 5% output when you ORIGINALLY installed it. regardless of issues with alternator or amp, you re-wired it IN FRONT of me, then it went to about 80-90% output. how does that make me wrong?

like i said, you are not a businessman i would want to continue doing business with, simple as that. you had your chance to man up about the wiring issue, but you keep diverting the attention away from that onto other issues that i'm not even complaining about.

The first time you left, we did not turn it up because we didn't want you to damage anything.

The second time you were there we went over everything, turned the gains back up and we agreed, it sounded fine. But I told you to be careful because if the sub was making a burning smell before, it will probably happen again, Get your voltage fixed first and then we will look over everything from there. (that is what we agreed.) This is also when we talked about US Amps recommendations.

And now here we are, arguing like a married couple online. Because you can't take any responsibilities to your actions of simply turning up the volume on the radio to the point of damaging a sub. (Which you admit to having on Video). Sorry I am out of employees to be with you and make sure that you don't play your radio loud to help prevent you from damaging your system.

I guess I should have removed all the equipment, gave you your money back and said have a nice day.

Lesson I learned, if the equipment is not purchased from us and the system does not work properly we should never touch it, even if the customer insists. All the money in the world is not worth the headache from people like you.

But "The Customer knows Best" that is what they say.

The first time you left, we did not turn it up because we didn't want you to damage anything.
The second time you were there we went over everything, turned the gains back up and we agreed, it sounded fine. But I told you to be careful because if the sub was making a burning smell before, it will probably happen again, Get your voltage fixed first and then we will look over everything from there. (that is what we agreed.) This is also when we talked about US Amps recommendations.

And now here we are, arguing like a married couple online. Because you can't take any responsibilities to your actions of simply turning up the volume on the radio to the point of damaging a sub. (Which you admit to having on Video). Sorry I am out of employees to be with you and make sure that you don't play your radio loud to help prevent you from damaging your system.

I guess I should have removed all the equipment, gave you your money back and said have a nice day.

Lesson I learned, if the equipment is not purchased from us and the system does not work properly we should never touch it, even if the customer insists. All the money in the world is not worth the headache from people like you.

But "The Customer knows Best" that is what they say.
lmao dude, you obviously missed about 20 pages of details on ROE.

give it up already. you don't know what you're talking about, and to prove my point the video i have is with my HEAD UNIT AT VOLUME 0. ARE YOU BLIND?


from what I understand, sublime came on here and posted his feelings towards the Nutz shop, which is fine.

Now Nutz made a perfectly legitimate offer regarding this issue to handle it once and for all and sublime doesn't go for it.

IMO, Nutz and Sublime should meet in neutral territory, after all Sublime said he wouldnt go into the Nutz shop, to see who is right. Bring some video camera and take some pictures and then things will get sorted out.

Im not saying either party is right or wrong, just people need to put money where their mouth is.

unfortunately what this all comes down to is my word versus his. he knows the truth just as i do, but again my word versus his.

there is no way to settle this. i showed all 5 co-workers the issues, they saw it when i first returned, they heard it when i returned the second time. they saw all the issues. family and other friends saw them too. they all know what i went through and the issues i encountered.

ed has his shop and his employee's which will obviously side with him since he uh.. pays their salaries.

anyway, like i said, there is no way to settle this which is why i said take your lost business and move on. he still wants to chime in talking about irrelevant **** which i don't understand why. i couldn't care less about the last word, but when you reply with a direct challenge to my integrity, of course i will reply.

i should have honestly taken a video recording of it as soon as i drove it away the first time. it would be the icebreaker; end-all. but, i didn't think this far ahead which isn't necessarily my fault or 'my bad', but i mean come on who would expect to have all the issues i did and then think "oh, i have a feeling later on down the line the owner of the shop will challenge my word, i think i should record video to prove him wrong JUST INCASE THAT HAPPENS"

so like i said, let it drop, i did my review, i don't agree with the way i was treated as a customer nor was i satisfied with the service i received. i'm running into issues with my vehicle that were present when my sx's were installed (ie the power wire under my hood FALLING out of the fuse block)

i'm taking the loss, i'm doing BETTER research and talking to more educated people. simple as that. ed can sit here make up stories, talk about how wrong i am, make up lies to make himself and his company look good, but the proof is over at ROE. i dont need to say anything else.

from what I understand, sublime came on here and posted his feelings towards the Nutz shop, which is fine.

Now Nutz made a perfectly legitimate offer regarding this issue to handle it once and for all and sublime doesn't go for it.

IMO, Nutz and Sublime should meet in neutral territory, after all Sublime said he wouldnt go into the Nutz shop, to see who is right. Bring some video camera and take some pictures and then things will get sorted out.

Im not saying either party is right or wrong, just people need to put money where their mouth is.
the only thing i must critisize in this post is the fact that you say he made a "legitimate offer" and i didn't accept.

thats not how the retail business works. i should have been made an offer for a refund on the install when he obviously saw that he wired it the wrong way. not weeks later, after i was basically called an idiot, lied to and told i was wrong over and over.

listen. he calls me and says i have "no bass" and that he will "never sell an RE XXX ever again because you need a million watts to move the **** thing"

i then have him re-wire it in front of me, and while they are test playing it, a customer in their shop said "oh shiiiit is that your truck???????!"

there was an obvious major difference in output but ed realized "oh ****, if i admit i wired it wrong that kind of screws me" and pulled the denial card along with the "you cant prove we wired it wrong" defense.

again, which is why this will go nowhere.

i hope they do. it seems to me that unless they're makin hundreds off you, if not thousands, good luck with getting a GOOD install.

oh yeah hey ed, i took my 12's out to REWIRE them also, since you obviously had those wired wrong also, i had ALAN KEYS HANGING OFF THE MAGNETS. yes you heard that right, there were 2 alan keys stuck to the magnet of one of the 12's.

oh and i guess you guys just do perfect installs huh? so what have i found already.. lazy job on my ground, alan keys stuck to the magnet's of my 12's, power wire has FELL out of the fuse block under my hood, my 18 was wired wrong.. should i keep going?

honestly, i'd suggest places like Auto Illusions or Total Image over team nutz any day of the week.

don't be lured in by their awards, because honestly think about it.. what does it show? it shows that when they are put on the spot in public they can do a good job (on their own vehicles) but when it comes to a customers' vehicle, especially one that had parts that WERENT purchased at their shop.. oo.. surprise.. it was ****ed up!!

Mind my own business. This is my business you fvcking retard. You have no clue who the fvck you are talking too. I know what was said to sublime and I know EVERYTHING. You need to man up and give the guy his refund. Your install reminds me of a few "ghetto" installs I see come through. I bet you don't know what the - and + means on the amp do ya. Go shoot yourself, and may everyone in Pittsburg read this and NEVER go to your shop. I would get in touch with the newspaper Sublime //

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