Worth the Trouble?

Suicide it will never cease to amaze how many times a forum rat will post things that directly apply to him/herself in an attempt at insulting others with complete ignorance to their own hypocisy. Some of them, such as yourelf, go as far to actually enjoy proving their own lack of comprehension and critical thinking skills.

I'm sure a couple paragraphs look like a thesis paper to a mind as simple as yours. However, the time it takes me to type out 300-400 words is no great loss. Gee, what will I ever do now that I can never get those 6 mins back?

I can sit here all day bro. I quite enjoy reading the delusions of an "internet forum experts"; whether their "expertise" be car audio, film review, video games, restaurants, or (in your case and commonly) sociology.

Thanks for the entertainment you have given me while I take a ****.

Suicide it will never cease to amaze how many times a forum rat will post things that directly apply to him/herself in an attempt at insulting others with complete ignorance to their own hypocisy. Some of them, such as yourelf, go as far to actually enjoy proving their own lack of comprehension and critical thinking skills.
I'm sure a couple paragraphs look like a thesis paper to a mind as simple as yours. However, the time it takes me to type out 300-400 words is no great loss. Gee, what will I ever do now that I can never get those 6 mins back?

I can sit here all day bro. I quite enjoy reading the delusions of an "internet forum experts"; whether their "expertise" be car audio, film review, video games, restaurants, or (in your case and commonly) sociology.

Thanks for the entertainment you have given me while I take a ****.
You seem to TOTALLY miss the point of what I said. If you would have read the small two concise sentences I wrote, you would have noticed that yes, I did read your thesis. You would also notice that all I did was point out that someone who has the need to type a rebuttal to a few sarcastic comments that is that long is obviously epically butthurt.

Sounds like someone likes to use big words, in a failed attempt to sound smart. Even though almost every post you have made is completely full of contradictions. I'm guessing one of 2 things... Either your a snot nosed college kid, who is trying to feel like a real grown up. OR you may have finished college, but have a degree in liberal arts, or some other worthless degree like that, which is of no use in the real world.

Point being, nobody is impressed. You just make yourself look stupid. MOST of us on here aren't "forum rats" as you say. We all have careers, wives, families, hobbies, etc... But we do enjoy car audio, which is why we're on this forum.

I only really frequent this forum... but you, on the other hand, seem to have all the time in the world to frequent the ton of forums you speak of... We're all sorry that you cant get a girlfriend, and that, i'm guessing, you cant find a job and have to live with mommy and daddy still... But please, dont project your own feelings of shame and disappointment towards yourself on others on this forum.

I really hope you can find a real job soon, and maybe have a feeling of accomplishment, that you are so obviously missing.... good luck

that is all

You already said "that is all". Not exactly a cool way to "sign off" when we all know you will be right back. Is somebody too butthurt to walk away? I thought you were "too cool" to be both bothered by this? Yet, here you are for the third consecutive day returning to continue reading my comments and posting your rebuttals. Of course, according to the logic of Mr. Suicide Bob, that means your butthurt. I'm sorry...maybe rub some aloe on it.

Thanks for the laugh about the big words. Exactly which ones did you find to be past your comprehension level. Oh my, was it "comprehension?" It appears basic vocabulary and grammar are beyond your understanding. Did you see how I used a different word that time so that you may keep up? I'm just friendly like that. Don't worry young grasshopper, you'll catch up eventually. Get Rosetta Stone. It can help you with the English language.

Gee...I've never heard someone on an internet forum get frustrated after several replies and resort to the "you probably live with your parents and don't have a job" routine. Did you run out of "whiny bish" insults? I, for one, am glad because I am much more entertained by your "I'm awesome I just pwned this guy on the internet" reply. It is a lot more fun for me when people reply like that. I go to a Big Ten school located in another state from my hometown. I can afford it due to several Academic Scholarships. My parents can't afford to send me to school because they never went to college. They had to work their fingers to the bone just to make the mortgage payment. I am getting a first-class education thanks to my own hard work. I imagine I'm doing much better than you.

So let's examine why you frequent this forum. Every time you answer a question and get a "thanks dude. You're awesome. " it makes you feel better about your sad, pathetic, dead-end life. Your "wife and kids" have no respect for you whatsoever and they don't compliment you. So, in an attempt at compensation, you spend your time reading pointless threads about peoples' car audio systems in the hope that you will eventually find meaning and substance in your life. I recommend you go back to school and become one of those "snot-nosed college kids" so that you can better yourself. I imagine my simple vocabulary reminds you of the constant short-comings you face in your daily life. That's not my fault and you shouldn't project your feelings of inadequacy onto me. The picture you are currently using for your avatar is evidence to those with critical thinking skills of your lack of self-esteem. You clearly have a desire to present yourself in a certain light even to those whom will never meet you. That's a sad state of affairs.

Oh yea....I forgot I have to try and make myself look cool to the other forum users now...."THAT IS ALL DERP DERP."

See y'all tomorrow. I tried to use small words so this time so that you could keep up.

You already said "that is all" imbecile. Is somebody too butthurt to walk away? I thought you were "too cool" to be both bothered by this? Yet, here you are for the third consecutive day returning to continue reading my comments and posting your rebuttals. Of course, according to the logic of Mr. Suicide Bob, that means your butthurt. I'm sorry...maybe rub some aloe on it.
Thanks for the laugh about the big words. Exactly which ones did you find to be past your comprehension level. Oh my, was it "comprehension?" Gee...I've never heard someone on an internet forum get frustrated after several replies and resort to the "you probably live with your parents and don't have a job" routine. Did you run out of "whiny bish" insults? I, for one, am glad because I am much more entertained by your "I'm awesome I just pwned this guy on the internet" reply. It is a lot more fun for me when people reply like that.
I lol'd

You already said "that is all". Not exactly a cool way to "sign off" when we all know you will be right back. Is somebody too butthurt to walk away? I thought you were "too cool" to be both bothered by this? Yet, here you are for the third consecutive day returning to continue reading my comments and posting your rebuttals. Of course, according to the logic of Mr. Suicide Bob, that means your butthurt. I'm sorry...maybe rub some aloe on it.
Thanks for the laugh about the big words. Exactly which ones did you find to be past your comprehension level. Oh my, was it "comprehension?" It appears basic vocabulary and grammar are beyond your understanding. Did you see how I used a different word that time so that you may keep up? I'm just friendly like that. Don't worry young grasshopper, you'll catch up eventually. Get Rosetta Stone. It can help you with the English language.

Gee...I've never heard someone on an internet forum get frustrated after several replies and resort to the "you probably live with your parents and don't have a job" routine. Did you run out of "whiny bish" insults? I, for one, am glad because I am much more entertained by your "I'm awesome I just pwned this guy on the internet" reply. It is a lot more fun for me when people reply like that. I go to a Big Ten school located in another state from my hometown. I can afford it due to several Academic Scholarships. My parents can't afford to send me to school because they never went to college. They had to work their fingers to the bone just to make the mortgage payment. I am getting a first-class education thanks to my own hard work. I imagine I'm doing much better than you.

So let's examine why you frequent this forum. Every time you answer a question and get a "thanks dude. You're awesome. " it makes you feel better about your sad, pathetic, dead-end life. Your "wife and kids" have no respect for you whatsoever and they don't compliment you. So, in an attempt at compensation, you spend your time reading pointless threads about peoples' car audio systems in the hope that you will eventually find meaning and substance in your life. I recommend you go back to school and become one of those "snot-nosed college kids" so that you can better yourself. I imagine my simple vocabulary reminds you of the constant short-comings you face in your daily life. That's not my fault and you shouldn't project your feelings of inadequacy onto me. The picture you are currently using for your avatar is evidence to those with critical thinking skills of your lack of self-esteem. You clearly have a desire to present yourself in a certain light even to those whom will never meet you. That's a sad state of affairs.

Oh yea....I forgot I have to try and make myself look cool to the other forum users now...."THAT IS ALL DERP DERP."

See y'all tomorrow. I tried to use small words so this time so that you could keep up.
so, my prognoses was right.... you are just a snot nosed college kid. same as every other college kid out there, who thinks he knows everything about everything. I'm glad that you got into a big ten school... Really, i am. Atleast you'll have something to be proud of, once your life turns to failure.

As for your "examination" of my life, and why i frequent these forums, you are an idiot. I'm quite happy in my life... I make a very comfortable living (more then you will probably ever see). I have a great wife, a gorgeous house, 3 cars, 2 bikes, and enough money to do whatever i feel. I dont come on here for any sense of fulfillment... i have plenty of that in me REAL life.

Your "big words" dont confuse anyone on here, except for you. Like i said before, everything you post, is full of contradictions... So one can only deduce that you are talking out of your ass.

Good luck with that "Big 10 education" in the real world... idiot.... hope that reality doesnt bite you in the ass too much, once you actually realize that a degree hardly means a good paying job anymore.

so, my prognoses was right.... you are just a snot nosed college kid. same as every other college kid out there, who thinks he knows everything about everything. I'm glad that you got into a big ten school... Really, i am. Atleast you'll have something to be proud of, once your life turns to failure.
As for your "examination" of my life, and why i frequent these forums, you are an idiot. I'm quite happy in my life... I make a very comfortable living (more then you will probably ever see). I have a great wife, a gorgeous house, 3 cars, 2 bikes, and enough money to do whatever i feel. I dont come on here for any sense of fulfillment... i have plenty of that in me REAL life.

Your "big words" dont confuse anyone on here, except for you. Like i said before, everything you post, is full of contradictions... So one can only deduce that you are talking out of your ass.

Good luck with that "Big 10 education" in the real world... idiot.... hope that reality doesnt bite you in the ass too much, once you actually realize that a degree hardly means a good paying job anymore.
I'm the idiot? It is "prognosis" you imbecile. "My prognois was correct." is the phrase you were for which you are so desperately searching. However it is still the incorrect term in that context. I really enjoyed a terrific laugh from this one. Did I not already point out a forum rat's aptitude for ignoring his own behavior when trying to insult others? Are you trying to compensate? You were the one who originally made a big deal out of my use of trivial words and now you are making yourself look very foolish. Did I not point out how you would be right back with a rebuttal despite your attempt at trying to look indifferent by saying "that is all." You really are an imbecile....I mean an idiot. Sorry, I did not mean to lose you again.

2,000 posts since March about systems on CarAudio and you think I believe that? lulz.

I'm the idiot? It is "prognosis" you imbecile. "My prognosis was correct." is the phrase you were for which you are so desperately searching. Before you make yourself look stupid again, I didn't phrase that sentence in that order for intellect (you wouldn't understand). I really enjoyed a terrific laugh from this one. Did I not already point out a forum rat's aptitude for ignoring his own behavior when trying to insult others? Trying to compensate, are you? You were the one who originally made a big deal out of my use of trivial words and now you are making yourself look very foolish. Did I not point out how you would be right back with a rebuttal despite your attempt at trying to look indifferent by saying "that is all." You really are an imbecile....I mean an idiot. Sorry, I did not mean to lose you again.
2,000 posts since March about on CarAudio and you think I believe that ****? lulz.
nice rebuttal... oooo nnnooo, i misspelled a word. i could go back through, and pick through each one of your posts for misspelling, as i had already noticed more then 5 misspellings when i was reading them... you really are awesome dude.

and its "2,000 posts since march on CarAudio" no "about"... imbecile.




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ok, i don't have time to read all the big novel which is known as "page4" but yes, you are getting too worked up with no means to an end, nor gain. i would have tried to just drop it already. i do find some offense to your reference to post count an over-use. i may only have under 1k on this forum, but another forum i frequent, i was doing 2k/year, and over 90% of that is technical help, research, write-ups, troubleshooting and other forms of technical or other improvements. i can say i don't take the praise well, and often ignore it. at the same time, it is just a computer, which i can simply walk away from and come back to fulfill my needs. i am a neurotic problem-solver, that, i will admit. i have to have it in my life, which, by the way is a good, active life..... well, i'ma walk away from the matter, and leave you to your own choice. bye-bye now.

I apologize for actually being able to proofread my posts after pressing a button.
Oh yes, I did it again; because I have seen you do the same thing. I can do it multiple times! //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif You see, I leave this tab up while I do other research and hit the refresh button on occasion. AGAIN! It offers a nice break from the monotony of schoolwork. ****, there I go trying to "look smart" again. I guess I should start making youtube videos of myself and posting them for attention. Then I could be a success like you.
Nice try... but my videos are informative videos to help those starting out in car audio. Somebody doing research on someone else now??

Oh, and i highly doubt you'll ever be a success.

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